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Which mortgage is right for you?
Which mortgage is right for you?

As a home buyer, you may have more options than you realize to finance your investment. Figuring out which loan suits your needs requires research. Your Loan Officer will assess your situation and walk you through all of your choices. However, it never hurts to have a head start by knowing the basic categories of […]

September 08, 2016
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Why It’s Important to Pre-Qualify for a Loan
Why It’s Important to Pre-Qualify for a Loan

Growing up, most of us heard the words “be prepared”. Although it sounds ominous, this advice is applied to most aspects of life, including home buying. In order for the loan process to run smoothly, one of the smartest things to do is get pre-qualified for a mortgage. A pre-qualification is an estimate of how […]

July 27, 2016
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