Many people believe winter is the most undesirable time to sell your home, but this doesn’t have to be the case. If you know what to expect, you can have just as much success selling your home during winter than you would any other time of year. Don’t be afraid to list during wintertime.
Who’s Buying in During Winter?
In many cases, you’re likely to see more serious buyers in winter than in spring and summer where it’s more popular to look for homes even casually. There are a whole host of reasons someone may be looking to buy a home during winter, some of which come with increased urgency to find a home such as job relocations, an expiring lease, or a contract on their current home. If someone is willing to battle cold and sometimes inclement weather to see your home, it’s probably because they’re serious about buying. The weather can help your home sell faster, too; people are less likely to want to look all over town for a home when it’s cold or snowy which means they may be more likely to choose one of the first homes they see that fits their needs.
The Internet is Your Friend
Virtual listings and showings are always important but especially are during the winter months when it’s cold and gets dark earlier. This is even more so the case now in the wake of COVID-19 with fewer people venturing out. Be sure to get your home on as many listing sites as you can to increase its visibility. Make sure your listing description is thorough and engaging. Depending on scheduling, you may find most of your showings are at dusk or after dark; talk to your realtor about considering a virtual 3D walkthrough to fully showcase your home during the daytime for interested buyers.
Know How to Prepare and Stage Your Home
Prepping and staging your home for its online listings and open houses is always an important part of the selling process. There are some particulars you should keep in mind when selling during the winter months. Winter can be dreary, so let in as much light as you can. If you’re going to be holding in-person showings, ensure all walkways are cleared if it snows and be sure to keep the temperature inside warm and comfortable for visitors. When it comes to decorating for the holidays, keep it simple and tasteful; potential buyers want to envision themselves in your home year-round, not just at the holidays. Make your environment cozy and inviting; you can even consider offering coffee and hot chocolate to prospective buyers.
There’s no need to be afraid of selling your home during the winter months. If you’re preparing to sell your home, you’re probably thinking about buying, too. Contact one of our experienced Loan Officers today to learn more about financing options.