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How to Handle Problem Neighbors
How to Handle Problem Neighbors

When on the hunt for your dream home, you can learn a lot about a home’s neighborhood but not necessarily much about the people you will be living around. Sometimes you end up in the perfect home only to find out your neighbors are not so perfect—or are even downright troublesome. What do you do […]

June 23, 2021
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What is eClosing?
What is eClosing?

As our world relies more and more on technology, there has been a shift in the mortgage world that has seen facets of the lending process go virtual, at least in part. This has especially been the case in the wake of COVID-19 where people are less likely to meet in person to conduct business. […]

June 17, 2021
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Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval
Pre-Qualification vs. Pre-Approval

You’ve heard the terms pre-qualification and pre-approval, but what do they mean? They are the same thing, right? Not quite! The terms have been used interchangeably, but their true definitions differ. We’re going to break it down and explain the difference between the two. Pre-qualification The very first step to take if you are ready […]

June 09, 2021
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Steps on the journey to purchasing your dream home!
Steps on the journey to purchasing your dream home!

Get Pre-Qualified Complete a loan pre-qualification – Contact one of our loan officers to get started! Submit basic documentation – This can include pay stubs, bank statements, credit reports, and statements for any other debts or loans you might have. Your loan officer will let you know exactly what they need! Discuss what you can […]

June 04, 2021
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How to Make a Competitive Offer on a Home
How to Make a Competitive Offer on a Home

In order to land the home of your dreams, it’s important you understand how to make a viable offer. This is especially important in a competitive market like the seller’s market we are currently in. Here are some tips for making a competitive offer on a home. Get Pre-Qualified Getting pre-qualified is one of the […]

May 26, 2021
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Buying a Home with Student Debt
Buying a Home with Student Debt

With graduations upon us, graduates past and present are reminded of the price of their education. According to the U.S. Federal Reserve, in 2021 44.7 million Americans have student loan debt and in Maryland, the average balance is $36,689. Many potential homebuyers think with a mound of student debt it will be nearly impossible to […]

May 19, 2021
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Tips to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal
Tips to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Everyone wants to put their best foot forward when it comes to the first impression others have of their home. Curb appeal is important not only to your guests and neighbors, but it can also have a major impact on potential homebuyers’ initial feelings about your property. Most homeowners are so used to looking at […]

May 12, 2021
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Buying a Home in a Seller’s Market
Buying a Home in a Seller’s Market

We are in the midst of a booming seller’s market. In real estate, a seller’s market occurs when the demand for homes is greater than the supply. This is the inverse of what happens in a buyer’s market, which is when there is plenty of supply but not as much demand for houses. As the […]

May 07, 2021
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Federal House Financing Agency Announce New Refinance Program for Low-Income Borrowers
Federal House Financing Agency Announce New Refinance Program for Low-Income Borrowers

The FHFA has announced a new refi program to benefit low income borrowers with single family mortgages. These mortgages will be backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This new program is designed to help those who were not in a position to take advantage of 2020’s low rates. This new option could save borrowers […]

April 29, 2021
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10 Obstacles to Avoid when Closing on Your Home Loan
10 Obstacles to Avoid when Closing on Your Home Loan

It takes some time to close even the most straightforward of home loans. These tips offer insight for avoiding pitfalls in between application and closing, so you can help make your loan process as quick and easy as possible! 1. Buying Large Items Avoid buying things like cars, boats, or other high-end items. Purchases like […]

April 28, 2021
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7 Ways to Avoid Mortgage Sabotage
7 Ways to Avoid Mortgage Sabotage

Homebuyers are often not aware of what can cause issues within the home loan process and potentially sabotage your goals. Read these tips to learn some ways to avoid home mortgage sabotage! Credit Cards and New Debt Do not apply for any new credit of any kind! That creditor will show up on your credit […]

April 21, 2021
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What is LTV and Why is It Important?
What is LTV and Why is It Important?

When researching the home buying and lending process, odds are you’ve encountered the acronym LTV at some point. But what does LTV mean and why does it matter? Read on to find out! What is LTV? LTV stands for loan-to-value ratio. Expressed as a percentage, LTV is the difference between the mortgage amount and the […]

April 14, 2021
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